Surprise…baby #2 on board!

Surprise! We have a baby on board!  Some of y0u might have been wondering why I’ve been MIA on the blog and sporadic on Instagram.  Sorry about that!  I’ve been hibernating the last few weeks and trying to keep this bump under wraps.  While I’m grateful to not have any morning sickness, I did have extreme exhaustion and frequent headaches (couldn’t look at a screen for a long while).  It was tough to get out of bed most mornings and by 5 or 6 in the evening, I was down for the count.  This made it impossible to get anything done.  And with little energy, I couldn’t even spell my name much less write blog posts.  So a mini break was in order!

Anyway, we’re super excited to be able to finally be able to share the news with family and friends!  With news like this usually comes a million questions you’re dying to ask!  So I’m sharing the 5 most commonly asked questions once you share the “I’m pregnant” news….

  1.  Was it planned?  Well yes of course.  At the beginning of the this year, we decided this was the ideal year for us to grow the family, and I am grateful it was God’s plan for us too!
  2. How are you feeling? Like I mentioned above, I feel great.  Except the times/days I feel like sleeping fro 48 hours straight.
  3. Do you know what you’re having?  Maybe.  But will share that news with the whole in a couple weeks.
  4. Are you hoping for a girl? Yes and no.  I would love to have a little girl to dress, cuddle and dote over, but….I already have all the boys things so it was make it sooo much easier and cost efficient.  At the end of the day, I just pray for a healthy baby!
  5. When are you due?  End of November.

I will obviously will be sharing more pregnancy related topics here so hope you will follow along on the journey!  Thanks for reading!


Outfit Details Here:

J.Crew Maxi | Schutz Nude Heels | Denim Jacket | Cult Gaia Ark Bag

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