#TBT Sweet Memories

Compensation was provided by Nestlé Coffee-mate® via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Coffee-mate®.
Chill weekends are a rarity these days! The idea of days with no plans but read magazines and simply lounge around are distant memories.  It seems silly to even say these are good “memories”.  But they are!  Because we’re usually busy attending to Baby J or completing overdue errands, or some other social obligations.  Getting a free minute to relax or enjoy a cup of coffee NOT in a to-go cup, is definitely a rare luxury.  The smell of fresh coffee reminds me of those good days.  Recently, I started adding a special treat in my daily cup with Coffee-mate® Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor.  It’s so good!  The sweet smell draws up even more fond memories of holidays with the entire family, where we’d all wake up to fresh coffee and dessert for breakfast! Because on vacation and during the holidays, we could eat whatever we want…no calories involved! ☺  Everyone would be in their PJs {for most of the day actually}, and we would just gather in the kitchen or backyard and just hang out and eat sweet treats like cookies.  It was pretty marvelous.  Makes me feel like a kid again just thinking about it now, where life was simple and responsibilities were distant.  Ahh…sweet sweet memories!

xo, Lydia
This summer, Nestlé Coffee-mate® is celebrating the sweetest form of nostalgia with their exclusive range of fun, exciting flavors that evoke delicious memories and emotions of the past. These sweet throwback flavors include Toll House® Chocolate Chip Cookie, Caramel Macchiato and Classic Vanilla.

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