Pumpkin Patch Plaid + Tips for being an effective Stay-At-Home-Working-Mom

Happy Monday!  I have become a lover of Mondays as of late because I get to tackle the majority of my workload and to-do lists while Jaxson is with my mom every Monday!  Before mid-week I’m already done with most of my work and I can’t tell you how good that feels.  I really thought I was juggling a lot when I was working full-time in an office environment, but I was so naive. ha!  There is no juggle like the load of Stay-At-Home-Working mom.  Is SAHWM a term now?  If not, it really should be.  So many of us mamas work from home now trying to support our families and pursuit individual passions, and I really salute all those mamas.  I am so inspired by them. I definitely know how hard it is.  Dividing yourself between being full-time go-getter and a good mama all-the-time is the ultimate challenge….and the hardest job on earth!  Truthfully, I think about giving up the blogger life every day because some days it literally takes every ounce of energy and mental strength I have to do everything I need to do! Devoting myself fully to a single focus would be so much easier.  I would be able to blog all the time or be the best mama on the block if I were responsible solely for just one of those things!  But for me, I know I would be bored, unfulfilled and unchallenged.  I love the challenge of wearing both hats, I love being a mama and I love having something I am passionate about as a side hustle.
So I’ve chosen this life of the juggle! And over the last few months, I’ve incorporated a system that has made me more productive and effective in my attempts at doing it ALL.   
If you are a stay-at-home-working mom, here are some of my best tips that has helped keep me together! 🙂
  1. Be an early Riser:  When I worked full-time in an office, I used to wake up everyday at 5am to workout until 630 or so, and then in the office by 8.  That routine pretty much went out the window once I added a baby into the mix. But recently, I started waking up early again (by 5:30) to do a little quiet time, post my first Instagram photo of the day, and then get in a quick workout.  All before Jaxson wakes up around 730-745.  I love that by the time the whole family wakes up, I have already checked off a few things on my list and I can focus on them.  This has made the biggest difference in my overall day-to-day routine and productivity. 
  2. Don’t Skimp on sleep: I love my sleep!  And luckily Jaxson does too.  I make a point to be in bed by 9:30 whether or not I’m sleepy to just unwind and get myself mentally ready for some Zs. Once I’m relaxed,  it will literally take me seconds to fall asleep.  
  3. Be flexible and let go (of things I can’t control):  There are plenty of things I could obsess over each day like Jaxson not taking a nap for as long as I need, or the entire family getting sick on my busiest week.  Often, stuff outside of my control can drive my stress level to the limits.  Now I just try to roll with it. If I can’t get to something that hour or that day, I try to remember there is always tomorrow.  And unless something is preventing me from curing cancer, I don’t stress over it.
  4. Hold a weekly meeting with yourself:  I take an hour a week (same day/time every week) to regroup and refocus on my priorities for the coming weeks, or plan for the household.  Whether it is planning for a collaboration or family travel, it gives me time to focus on these time sensitive matters. 
  5. Make lists, goals, rules:  I am a total list maker.  I use Evernote to list out content ideas, OOTDs to shoot, our travel itineraries and grocery shopping items.  You name it, I have a list started for it. 
  6. Create a consistent schedule:  I try to do the same things on the same days each week.  For instance, Mondays are my work days during which I edit photos, and write at least 2 blog posts.  I also use Mondays to tackle the bulk of my emails.  On Tuesday, I plan my outfits to shoot that week and take meetings/conference calls. On Wednesdays and Thursday, I try to focus 99% of my attention on Jaxson with playdates or his classes (soccer and tumbling).  And I use Fridays as a “whatever that pops up” day!
  7. A good support system:  I am very blessed to have family in town.  My sister or my mom takes Jaxson on Mondays and if I’m ever in a pinch for something important, I have a roster of people to call for babysitter duties.  As a mom, there is no greater blessing than having family as a support system. 
  8. Choose a healthy vice or reward:  I treat myself to something each week when I feel accomplished.  Usually its a mani/pedi or a massage but it can be something small like treating myself to an $8 latte from the newest cafe.  Whatever it is, it helps to know I have something awesome waiting for me at the end of my to-do list.  
  9. A lot of faith:  When I get tired, overwhelmed and unmotivated, I just remember who I should be doing everything for (if not for myself or family).  No matter where I am, what I’m doing, I trust that God has put me there for a reason.  I should work diligently for Him (my life Boss) and know that the purpose will soon unveil itself through my faith and His grace.  And I keep this verse in mind: 
    • “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if you were working for the Lord, not for earthly masters.” – Colossians 3:23
  10. Know that your are doing amazing!  Whatever you are doing to build your dream, if you doing it while taking care of another human, you have already accomplished more than most of the population. So pat yourself in the back and give yourself a break.  You are inspiring to more people than you know.  
If you have any tips for being a productive SAHWM, let me know!!! Here are some photos from our trip the pumpkin patch last week.  It was our first visit this year and Jaxson had a blast.  After about an hour and half, Jax was so tired (it was a hot day too!) but he was trying to fight it because he wanted to stay to play in all the hay and animals all day!!  It was so cute!  We actually were not planing to go to get pumpkins that day but just drove by a small patch on the way home from church and just decided to stop in.  I love little spontaneous adventures like that!  Jax and I were ready in our pumpkin picking plaid shirts.  ha!  I love all the seasonal activities this time of year…don’t you?!

Outfit Details Here:
On Me: Anthropologie Plaid Shirt | Denim Skirt | Rag & Bone Booties | Sunglasses | Belt
On Jax: Cat & Jack Shirt + Pants | Baby Gap Shoes

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xo, Lydia

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