Hey, September!

Its September! Don’t know where the summer went.  And….its Thursday so we are counting down the days until daddy gets home!  John travels a lot but this is one of his longest trips since he’s traveling internationally. This time was especially hard since Little J has been super sick. Probably his longest lasting sickness, which of course happens when I’m a single parent.  Oh well, God never gives us anything you can’t handle, but I am definitely looking forward to the weekend and his return.  But the craziness of the last couple of weeks has given me a chance to reflect, focus on my family, and dig up some inspiration for Jetting Jewels. This month I plan to dig a little deeper in terms of content, be inspired so I can continue to inspire those you read my little space of the internet.  So anyway, let me know if there is anything specific you’d like to see here on the blog – more fashion, more baby, more personal things…whatever it is, let me know!

I am starting off the month though with my idea of basic, my uniform and a couple of constants the last couple months….stripes and off-the-shoulder!  Sorry if your’e sick of it.  But I just can’t get enough.  Since Fall is right around the corner, I would say that this might be the last of this look, but let’s be real.  It will probably not be the last one since it doesn’t look like the weather will dip below the 70s here.
This stripe off-the-shoulder from Goodnight Macaroon has some bold ruching detail on the sleeve which makes it look super high fashion and high end.  I, of course, had to add a belt.  🙂
Wishing you all a great and happy September!

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xo, Lydia

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