Cheers to 2020…and to FREEDOM!

Happy 2020 and to my first post of the year!  I can’t believe I’m saying the year 2020. When I was younger, I imagined 2020 to be more like the jetsons.  Flying cars, digital everything and robots in every home. I guess since we Alexas and iRobots are in so many homes, we’re not too far off from the Jetson lifestyle.  

I, for one, am soooo glad to start a new year.  The last couple years came with a lot of blessings but also a lot of challenges and stresses.  2019 in particular was definitely a big adjustment year for me, and I accept it for what is. I accepted that it was not a year of growth, either personal or professional.  It was not a year of rest or stability. Mainly for me it was a year of intermission, as I like to call it, to focus on my family, postpartum adjustments, and life transitions.  It was the year we went from 1 to 2 kids, built a home from a thousand miles away, moved my family to a new state, spent endless days being a single mom since John was traveling back and forth to/from TX, ensured my oldest was mentally and emotional adjusting not being an only child anymore AND leaving friends and family behind, worked with 10+ contractors to finally complete our home, actually get a home in our new house, and all the normal day to day things moms are responsible for (laundry, dishes, keeping the kids alive, etc etc)…all while my body was still adjusting to hormones and all the postpartum fun that happens.  I am probably grazing over a few things but you get the picture. To be clear, I am not complaining, but simply acknowledging that doing everything on my own (John works a lot and travels) for my mom brain to handle some days. I didn’t have the mental capacity to think of anything else but my family, my boys and their needs through all the changes. Luckily, I feel like I’m on the other side of things now.  

This year, I am focusing on ME!  My dreams, my passions and get back to doing things that fills my soul! I am working on some big things this year, alongside but also separate from the blog!  I hope to share with you all more soon, but rest assured this blog will still be here. And I am definitely planning to write more. Honestly I lost a bit of that passion to write and got caught up in making affiliate sales and/or collaborations I wasn’t totally passionate about and just being a busy blogger with no authenticity.  My goal is definitely to change that this year! After taking the last couple years off of posting consistently, I feel like my creative drive is at an all time high! Moving forward my little piece of the internet a source of inspiration for modern moms!

I also wanted to share my word of the year! And that is FREEDOM!  This word takes on so many meanings for me. For one, I feel like this year I will have so much more freedom and support to start doing the things I love again.  And secondly, I want freedom from my own head. Ha! If that makes any sense. Far too often I overthink things…is that post to long, is this story using the wrong filter, do I look fat in this photo, will people like this outfit, etc. etc.  All this overthinking paralyzes me from doing or starting anything. I am planning to give myself the freedom to be myself, to make mistakes and just do it! I have to remind myself it doesn’t have to be perfect, just done!

Happy new year friends!  Thanks for reading!

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