40 Weeks!

Hey all!  After a brief hiatus to umm, have a baby…and adjust to sleepless nights and not sleeping EVER, I’m back!  I thought I’d share one last pregnancy post back from 40 Weeks!  But first…the style deets!

I wore this lace Ingrid & Isabel dress to one of my baby showers.  Its all soft and super stretchy which makes it super comfortable. It was just kinda warm the day I wore it.  I feel like I’m running hotter anyways towards the end of my pregnancy, and not to mention it was one of those unusually HOT October days in the OC.  Like 100 degrees hot.  yeah, not fun!  But regardless of the heat, I wore this baby anyway. Heck, I might even wear it post pregnancy.  I paired the dress with a bold necklace from Bauble Bar and my current fave pair of blue pumps.  I told you I would wear that EVERYWHERE.

Looking back its hard to believe 10 months{yes, pregnancy actually lasts 10 months} has come and gone.  I know I sound like a broken record when I say it went by fast. But it did.  Especially when you are blessed enough to skip over all the bad parts – morning sickness, bleeding, hospital scares, etc.  Through God’s grace I was able to experience only the joys – excitement, baby kicks, and never ending love and kindness from friends and family…and even strangers.  And first-time-moms often just feel sheer bliss in the anticipation of what’s to come.  Perhaps many call that fear, but I don’t know, there is something exciting about experiencing something for the very first time, like a kiss or your very first designer handbag purchase.  So. exciting!
So I may not be in the majority, but I will somewhat miss being pregnant.  Here’s why:
1.  Naps:  Taking naps is totally acceptable, even encouraged.
2. Cravings:  Your baby needs calories and so do you. What other time in your entire adult life can you eat a burger and ice cream all in one day, guilt-free.  While it’s important to eat nutritious rich foods for your baby’s development, it’s also important to feed your body what it wants and needs and not worry about those extra LBs.  The pregnancy weeks and numbers on the scale are fleeting, but the experience is a lasting memory.
3. Hiccups & Kicks: It’s a crazy weird feeling, but it reminds me that my body is doing something crazy awesome.  It’s really the one of the amazing things you and baby share, just you and him.
4. Good Hair Days…everyday:  I never had complaints about my hair before, but during pregnancy, it was awesome.  It was voluminous and healthy.  Straight out of a Pantene commercial.
5. See what your body can do:  Working out made me feel strong. But growing a little human inside gave me a weird sense of awe.  How can my little body create something that will be living, breathing and a real contribution to the living world.  Its awesome and makes you realize how amazing God’s creations really are.


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