33 Weeks & Birth Plans

I was actually kind of depressed last week with my wardrobe and VERY limited options for cute maternity wear.  So I kinda went out on a binge and bought a bunch of non-maternity clothes in bigger sizes so I could wear them now.  This dress was a steal from Forever 21!  It fits so well and the material is light and airy.  And I’m lovin’ the Aztec print for the Fall transition.

So the countdown is officially on until we meet this little guy.
I go back and forth between trying to plan every single second of labor to willfully ignoring it…and now I’m somewhere in the middle.
I am going to play it by ear.  I think that if I go in with flexible expectations, I won’t try to control every aspect and won’t be unhappy with the outcome, however it goes.  The main focus is that the baby and I make it through safely.  In my perfect world, I’d have a quick and easy birth with no medical intervention.  In reality?  I’ll do whatever is healthiest for me and our son.  And at the end of the day, however it goes, I’ll be thrilled when he’s arrived.  So now, I’ve come to a realization that I don’t need a birth plan but birth preferences.  Top of my list of “try if at all possible to avoid” are C-Section, Episiotomy and Forceps/Ventouse assisted birth. 
At the bottom of said list is epidural.  I’m mentally preparing for the pain, but I hear some things you just can’t prepare for.  So if labor is stalling and I must, I must.  My sister had 2 natural births, so I’m hoping my chances of surviving sans epidural are high. 
But again, at the end of the day, whatever needs to get done to make sure we’re both healthy. Surrendering it into God’s hands and know he’ll be with me through every excruciating contraction and scream.  I will focus on how amazingly resilient He has created our bodies, and the valuable prize at the end.
Per my last ultrasounds, he’ll weight anywhere between high 7 to low 8 pounds at birth, this was good news since I’m fairly small and narrow at the hips! It definitely decreases the likelihood that I’ll end up needing a c-section, or any of the things I mentioned above.  John was a HUGE baby, so I’ve been a little terrified at the idea of a 9-10 pounder!
With only a mere few weeks go to, I still have a lot to do.  At the moment, I haven’t packed a hospital bag, our nursery isn’t quite done (it’s almost there though) and I still need to stock up on a few baby essentials.  We are super close to being ready…
{Scroll down for my 33 weeks update}

What I’m wearing:
F21 Dress {Similar Here} //Jacket {OLD, similar here} // Vince Camuto Booties{OLD} // Chanel Classic Flap Bag // F21 Necklace {OLD} // Mui Mui Sunglases
How far along? 33 Weeks

Baby Size: Squash!  He’s about 17 inches long and weighs approximately 3 to 3 3/4 pounds!! He’s getting ready now for the big day, in the head-down position now. And probably feeling even more cramped day by day!

Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds

Maternity clothes? Still a few dresses and comfortable tees.  I get frustrated that there is nothing remotely cute in maternity wear, so I’ve been buying a larger sizes in regular clothes. 

Stretch marks? Nope. 

Symptoms:  Swollen feet and hands.  And its been so hot…I feel like I’m always sweating!

Sleep: Still enjoying 7-8 hours of sleep. 

Best moment this week: Before I’m on baby lock-down, I’ve been making a true effort to spend time with friends and ensure I get to catch up with a close few, even if it means long drives to LA.  Its been fun!

Worst moment of the week:  Work is super busy!  I imagine the weeks leading up to maternity leave would be a breeze, but nope. No such luck!

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Our house has been a disaster zone with all the cleaning, redecorating and minor fixing of things. I’ll be glad once everything is in their proper place….I can’t stand clutter.  So I miss a clean house!

Movement: YES, tons!

Food cravings: I had Thai food in Rowland Heights last week with my sister.  I’ve been craving that Pad Thai all week!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Have you started to show yet:  Definitely!

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In betweenie.  I don’t think that thing will ever completely pop out.  

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited.  So much happening in the next few weeks – baby showers, maternity leave, and of course, Baby!

Looking forward to: Maternity leave.  A couple weeks to myself…maybe I’ll even blog more.  🙂

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